🎬 Live webinar: Getting Buy-In for UX Research: How to Overcome Stakeholder Objections

Live Webinar: Getting Buy-In for UX Research

Are you frustrated by the constant pushback when it comes to getting buy-in for UX research?

Join me for my free webinar: “Getting Buy-In for UX Research: How to Overcome Stakeholder Objections.

In this 60-minute session, we’ll dive into practical strategies to help you advocate for research effectively and secure the support you need to drive better design decisions.

🗓 Date: Wed, October 2, 2024

🕐 Time: 5:00 pm PST

📍 Location: Online (Zoom link will be provided after registration)

💸 Free event

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to align your research initiatives with stakeholder needs and business goals.
  • Tactics to overcome common objections and get your research projects approved.
  • How to craft a compelling pitch for UX research using my exclusive UX Research Advocacy Canvas.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is perfect for experienced UX designers, researchers, and design leads who want to:

  • Increase their influence within their organization by effectively advocating for UX research.
  • Learn how to get stakeholder buy-in and position research as a key decision-making tool.
  • Improve their communication skills to demonstrate the strategic value of their work.

👉 Ready to turn your research into a strategic asset?

Spots are limited, so don’t miss out! I look forward to seeing you there.

P.S. Can’t make it live? Register anyway, and I’ll send you the recording!

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Grow your UX knowledge. Get tips and insights on topics like collaborative design, user research and strategic thinking.

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